Wyndham Mead
Wyndham Mead
Strategic Design & UX Research Lead

 client feedback

what people are saying


A healthy feedback culture is essential in any relationship.

And I take feedback very seriously, both professionally and personally.

Since Summer 2023 I collect feedback from all my clients (past and current) using a simple online survey. The fully anonymous questionnaire is a combination of free-text response and multiple choice.

Here’s a quick summary of the results:

  • 81% of my clients come from established start-ups

  • Ambitious, direct, deep-knowledge, structure, warm, accuracy and fun are common keywords

  • My NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a world class 91! (click here for details of the live data)

  • Keep scrolling to read some of the overwhelmingly positive feedback!

Amongst the best leads I have met so far – and by that, I do not mean manager but just a person who naturally evolves to be the center of any team, bringing structure, focus, safety, delight, and fun.
— Start-Up Client, July 2023
Wyndham addresses challenges of all kinds in such a democratic and kind manner which always made me (and the entire team) feel smarter afterwards. I have never seen such outstanding communication again.
— Start-up client, july 2023
I had the great pleasure of working with Wyndham on a critical and very challenging innovation project, where he and his team developed a new ecosystem model in the heavy industrial equipment space. Wyndham led the project with intelligence and an empathy-first approach, thus bringing all stakeholders together to create new, highly valuable insights and content. The outcome was successfully presented to the client board and implementation is ongoing.
— Benjamin P., Accenture
Not afraid to fight for what he believes in.
— start-up client, July 2023
Everyone walked away from engagements with Wyndham impressed, well informed, and trusted in his recommendations and reasoning.
— Consultancy client, July 2023