Wyndham Mead
Wyndham Mead
Strategic Design & UX Research Lead

I’m Wyn


You already know me as a UX Research lead… but there’s a lot more.

Born in California to American and New Zealand parents, raised in Michigan, educated in NYC and a resident of Berlin since 2011, I’m a true global citizen. And thanks to dual German and USA passports, I split my time living and working between Europe and the United States. But that’s when I’m not hopping around the world on a new travel adventure.

I constantly crave immersion in new cultures, languages, industries and people. Both in and outside of professional contexts, I’m always questioning, sometimes radically, why things are the way they are. Aside from that, I’m an avid crossfitter, music-geek and love getting out in nature.

Since 2013, I’ve also dedicated myself to caring for the wellbeing of (my) queer community, through HIV activism and research in queer mental health. My dream is to develop myself more in this area!

In April 2019 I began my unplugging from the full-time corporate matrix, and now operate primarily as a freelance contractor. I am always open to new connections regarding project collaborations, both in a permanent or freelance set-up.

I closely align myself with the ideas of great thinkers from the Center for Humane Technology, visionary collectives such as The House of Beautiful Business, non-profit organizations that support a value shift in the business world like B-Lab and the work of philosophers Shoshana Zuboff (The Age of Surveillance Capitalism) and Yuval Noah Harari (21 Lessons for the 21st Century). The list could go on and on… luckily!

Let's go on this journey together and discover new frontiers, break conventions and challenge the status quo! Connect with me via: